
Leggins a stelle Calzedonia


Ho rubato le stelle alle galassie vicine per applicarle ai leggins, vorrei galoppare, correre appesa alla coda di nuove comete, proiettarmi tra mondi visibili e invisibili.  Dalla maxi-bag penzolano le frange, sulla scollatura della felpa ho tante perle in acciaio: tanti piccoli globi con il desiderio di spingermi lontano, oltre… Un outfit semplice e veloce.. Cosa ne pensate? Un bacione.

Become a Star

I have stolen the stars to nearby galaxies to apply them to the leggins, I would like to galop, run, hang on to the tail of comets, I would project myself beatween visible and invisible worlds. Fringes dangle, hung on the maxi-bag, on the neckline of the sweatshirt. I have many steel beads. They are many small globes for a desire to push for Beyond. It is a fast and simple outfit. What do you think about? A big Kiss.

Sweater: Nolita

Leggins: Calzedonia

T-shirt: Zara

Shoes: Oviè

Bracelet: Too Late

Bijoux earrings

Hat: Mauro Grifoni

Bag: Balenciaga

Photo: Giuseppe Milani


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